What to do if you want to build a page like this...
Amy R. Burton's Page


My Resume | About Me | Favorite Links | Scleroderma - a condition that is dear to my heart | Baylor | SPSS Patient Satisfaction | the page that Amy built | Contact Me

As a part of my networking class, each student was asked to build a web site, and to explain just HOW we did it.

In order to build this web site, I first did some research.
1.  I did a search on Dogpile for free web hosting. 
2.  After exploring several options, I decided to build my web site on Tripod.com.  This provided me enough space to do so, and it did not require any additional software.  Tripod.com has a web site builder that is web based and very easy to navigate.
3.  I filled out the information asked for under tripod's free website option.
4.  I chose a website name and designated a password.  I used a web based e-mail account for a point of contact so that I did not have to worry about updating it as often as I change duty stations.
5.  Tripod sent me an e-mail that outlined the website creation process within a few minutes.
6.  I used the web site building tools, selected a template, and entered the information that I wanted to post. The opening page was https://rhonwen1963.tripod.com/amyrburtonspage/index.html, and subsequent pages were named according to their subject matter.
7.  I chose a few photos that I had on my computer to upload.  Tripod has tools that allow you to select from files either on your hard drive or from their library. 
8.  After I felt comfortable with the content of the web page, I used the navigation buttons on the bottom of the web building page, and after previewing the page, I published it to the web.
9.  I then went to the file manager (also part of the tripod.com web page building tools) and I saved a copy of my web page to my hard drive.

If you want to build a similar website, it's easy.  All you have to do is follow the link below. 

Here is the link to Tripod's web site